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Direct Conversion EHM Transceivers Design for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Applications


A direct conversion modulator-demodulator with even harmonic mixers for fixed wireless applications is presented. The circuits consist of even harmonic mixers (EHMs) realized with antiparallel diode pairs (APDPs). A communication link is set up to examine the overall performance of proposed modulator-demodulator. The transmission of 16-QAM signal with 110Mbps data rate over fixed wireless link has been examined. We also evaluate the different levels of I/Q imbalances and DC offsets and use signal space concepts to analyze the bit error rate (BER) of the proposed transceiver using-ary QAM schemes. The results show that this structure can be efficiently used for fixed wireless applications in Ka band.



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Mohammadi, A., Shayegh, F., Abdipour, A. et al. Direct Conversion EHM Transceivers Design for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Applications. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 032807 (2007).

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